Everyone is having trouble with bills and needs a way to lower them. When it comes to your Miami air conditioning there are many ways but here are five effective ways to lower your utility bill. Air conditioning is the biggest portion of one’s utility bill, it is 50%. If one is to follow these five simple steps then their bill could be lowered. Not only are you helping yourself in lowering your utility bill, you are helping the environment in the amount of energy you are generating and consuming. So here are five effective ways to lower your utility bill in regards to one’s MIami air conditioning system.
1. To replace ones air filters monthly will allow your air conditioning system to not have to work as hard. When ones filters are clogged the system has to work harder to pass throw the filter, which causes more energy to be used. When replacing these filters monthly this will allow your system to work at optimal purpose and cost you less.
2. Having a closed home, not allowing for the escape of the cool air. Make sure all windows and doors are closed. Having these portals closed allows for less cool air to be able to leave the home. If less cool air is able to leave the home then your air conditioning system doesn’t have to work as hard, which causes less electricity to be used and less money to be spent on it.
3. Make sure ones ducts are properly insulated. If ones ducts are not insulated correctly then you could be losing your cool air. Then you are lowering your air conditioning and having it work hard when it is losing a percentage of its cool air in the transit through the ducts. Having ones ducts properly insulated will allow you to have the best use of your air conditioning system and lowering your costs.
4. Lights, people don’t realize how when all lights are on and sun is beaming in they are warming their home. With all this light in the home there is more heat, which is creating a battle for one’s air conditioning. Being conscientiousness of the amount of heat you are generating and trying to expel with your air condition system will help one to lower the bill as well.
5. Using of ceiling fans to have circulating air causes for less use of the air conditioning system. Energy needed for the use of a ceiling fan is much less than what is need for an air conditioning system to run.
Each way can have its own benefits of lowering ones utility bill; however, it all depends on how one puts these methods into effect.