Seasons come and go, but some leave us more affected than others. Summer is one of those seasons of the year that everyone is looking forward to because then, they can go for the holidays, host friends over barbecue in their backyards, and simply have fun after the harsh winter season. While this, paints the glorious side of the season, some families experience the opposite indoors.
Surviving without an AC, especially in humid subtropical climates such as that in the south of Florida, is almost impossible. Even those with ACs, summer heat can be so tough on their units that the effect spills over and manifests in high energy bills and increased expenditure on energy as a percentage of total expenditure. If you fall in this category and you feel that you have had enough of this, below are some remedial paths you can follow to lessen the burden and save more.
Setting Your Thermostat Right
During summer, it is advisable that you set your thermostat as high as you can for comfort. Normally, the smaller the margin of difference between the outdoor and indoor temperatures, the lower the cooling bill. When you are at home and need cooling, set the thermostat at about 78 degrees Fahrenheit. When you are away either at work or o holiday, keep the house warmer than usual. When you turn on the AC, avoid setting the thermostat at a point colder than normal. This will not help you in cooling your home faster, but rather may result in excessive cooling and higher energy bills.
Use a Fan to Cool Your Immediate Spaces
Having a fan system cooling your home is excellent. This is because it gives you the leeway to raise your thermostat setting even to a higher mark so that you don’t spend much in cooling. However, when leaving the room, remember to turn the fan off. Fans don’t cool rooms rather they cool people and they do so through a wind chill effect. As you shower, turn on the bathroom fan to remove the excess humidity and heat from your home. Your kitchen and bathroom fans should be vented to the outside.
Keep the Sunlight Out
Sunlight entering your home, turns into heat. You can reduce this solar heat gain and keep your house cooler through a number of measures. For instance, you can line your drapes with fabric that reflects the sun and when it gets excessively hot, close the drapes completely. You can also install awnings on the south and west facing windows so that you can minimize solar heat gain. You can do so by tacking up sheets right outside your window and then draping the ends over a lawn chair or railing. Installing exterior and interior shutters is also a good idea because this will reduce heat gain as well as add a layer of protection and security against bad weather.
Avoid Heating Your Home with Lighting and Appliances
Avoid using the oven particularly on hot days. If you can, use a microwave, cook on the stove or grill outside. Your lighting should be efficient. This is because on average, only 10 to 15 of the electricity consumed by incandescent lights is turned into light. The rest is emitted as heat. You can take advantage of daylight without necessarily exposing your home to direct sunlight and solar gain.
Change or Clean Your AC Filter Regularly
According to the Energy Star, you should check your HVAC filters monthly. This is especially true during months of heavy use which are winter and summer. At the minimum, the filter should be changed once every three months. A clean filter will extend the life of your system, improve indoor air quality, and benefit you from energy cost savings because your system won’t have to work as harder to cool your home.
Install a Smart Thermostat
Smart thermostats differ from the regular thermostat because they allow you to set the temperature schedules and then leave it up to them to adjust based on the time of day. They practically learn from your behaviors, show your real-time energy consumption and allow you to remotely control the environment within your home. Though they are costly to install, they can help you in reducing your energy consumption hence money.
Lastly, you may also think about installing an efficient AC system. Newer systems use inventions such as variable speed technology and high SEER ratings to cool your home without much stress. They also have a longer operating life, are quiet in operation and generally give you value for your money.